Jiří Teml

Concerto № 1 for Organ, Trumpets, Strings and Percussion 3trp.timp.perc.org. - str. Czech Radio´s Music publishing R 315 Score for sale at ancora Verlagsservice Parts for hire only at info@kubula.de Concerto Grosso…

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Dario Salvi

Arrangements by Dario Salvi Dario Salvi was born in Brescia, Northern Italy, in September 1975. From a very young age he displayed a great interest in music and it was…

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Milko Lazar

Works Milko Lazar (*1965) is a slovenian composer, pianist, harpsichordist and saxophonist, based in Ljubljana and is currently working freelance in the fields of contemporary classical and jazz music. He…

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Günter Bialas

Jazz-Promenade (10’) für Klavier und großes Orchester pfte. - picc. – – timp.perc. – str. MOD 0918a Jazz-Promenade (10’) Fassung für zwei Klaviere 2 pfte. MOD 0918b

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