Marco Lasagna


Born in Milan in 1957. He first studied saxophone with O. Jannelli and composition with U. Rotondi. Subsequently he continued his studies at the National Music Conservatory “G.Verdi” in Milan, with A. Guarnieri and G. Manzoni, graduating with distinction. He also graduated in the History of Music from Milan University, with a thesis on the influence of African-American music on European music in the first part of the twentieth-century. He also attended courses and seminars with B. Ferneyhough and G. Ligeti at Ircam, Paris, and at the Experimental Studio of Freiburg.

As a saxophone player he is active in contemporary music, jazz, improvisation, and in electronic music. For several years he served as professor at the National Conservatory in Vicenza, where he was among the promoters of Graim (Group of Applied Research in Computer and Music).

He has received prizes and mentions in national and international competitions, including “Venezia Opera Prima,” “Gaudeamus,” “Petrassi,” “Contilli,” “Mitropoulos,” and “Dutilleux.” Many of his works have been performed in Italy, Europe, and the USA. He has composed music for stage and cinema. His works have been published at Ricordi, Suvini-Zerboni, Edipan, TreMedia Musikverlage, and Musica Mundana; his recordings have been released at Zeitklang Edition, Bull Records, and CMC Records.

He is Professor of Composition at the National Conservatory of Music (Superior Institute of Musical Studies) in Novara (Italy), where he also teaches counterpoint and analysis for the baroque courses of violin and cello. He also teaches “music and technologies.”