Julio Medaglia

Works Julio Medaglia was born in São Paulo in 1938. He studied theory and conducting with Hans-Joachim Koellreutter. He continued his studies at the Musikhochschule in Freiburg, Germany, and privately…

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Franz Liszt: works

Grosses Konzertstück für 2 Klaviere (19’) (über Themen aus Mendelssohns "Lieder ohne Worte") (engraved by Patrick Meadows 2002) 2 pfte. MCH 003801 Grand Galop Chromatique (Bearbeitung von Tamás Sulyok) für Symphonieorchester…

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Carlos Gomes

Works Carlos Gomes was born in Campinas, São Paulo State, on 11t July 1836. His parents were the Maestro Manuel José Gomes - called by the nickname of "Maneco músico" (Musician…

WeiterlesenCarlos Gomes