Oskar Nedbal: works
Polish Blood (Polenblut) Operetta in 3 scenes s.a.t.b. - – – timp.perc.hp. – str. MCH 430001
Polish Blood (Polenblut) Operetta in 3 scenes s.a.t.b. - – – timp.perc.hp. – str. MCH 430001
FIRST GRAND CONCERTO for the Pianoforte OP. 2 - Eb Major with orchestra (engraved by Patrick Meadows with editing by Lionel Harrison) pfte. - 1.2(or 2cl)0.1. - - str.…
Sinfonie D-Dur - - str. (vl I.vl II.vla.vc.) MCH 490001 Full score and parts for sale at ancora Verlagsservice
Concerto in Do maggiore per archi e basso continuo MCH 470001 Full score and parts for sale at ancora Verlagsservice
JJelinek Hanns Jentzsch Wilfried Jirásek Jan Jörns Helge Jülich Raimund Jungk KlausKKahowez Günter Kaiser Hermann-Josef Kang Sukhi Karkoschka Erhard Karyotakis Theodoros Kawakami Noriko Kayn Roland Kazanecki Waldemar Kelterborn Rudolf Kern…
Calligraphy I for flute, violoncello and piano (Kaligramy I pro flétnu, violoncello a klavír) fl.vc.pfte. Czech Radio´s Music publishing R1005 (R-CHF 005) Score and parts for sale at ancora Verlagsservice Calligraphy II…
Carceri d´invenzione, Chromatic fantasy and fugue for accordion acc. Czech Radio´s Music publishing 1001 (R-CHF 001) Part for sale at ancora Verlagsservice I Believe (Věruju) SATB. Czech Radio´s Music publishing R1007…
String Quartet No. 1 2 vl.va.vc. Czech Radio´s Music publishing R 374 Score and parts for sale at ancora Verlagsservice
MIRAMARE Ouverture Op. 247 (ca. 8') Picc. / / Pk. / 2 Perc. / Glockenspiel / Harfe / Streicher MCH 560001
Song of Love (instr. Václav Smetáček) vl. - - - timp.perc.hp. - str. Czech Radio´s Music publishing R 267 Score for sale at ancora Verlagsservice Parts for hire only…