Musica mundana was founded in 2013, with headquarters in the music village of Ernen in the Canton of Valais, Switzerland. The focus of our publishing activity are works by contemporary composers and the so-called classical modernity – not confined regionally, but with a distinct accent on Swiss composers and their works. In addition, Musica mundana also publishes new editions, mostly stage works, but also re-discoveries of music of the 19th century.

Since mid-2014 Musica mundana represents worldwide the catalogs of Tre Media, Edition Modern, and Top Music, and is the exclusive representative of all classical catalogs by Universal Music, of Poland, and the Czech Republic.

Please note that this site is currently under construction; we continue adding references to all composers in our catalog; we invite you to visit the site again as it continues to grow. Online ordering is currently not implemented, but will be rolled out in the future. Many thanks for your patience.